A Muddy Playdate and Homemade Paw Balm Recipe

I finally managed to convince two of my best human pals to join me for a dogventure. It was a gloomy Sunday in Halifax, but time with friends makes everything feel a little brighter.

I had to run a few errands downtown (most importantly, I had to pick up the ingredients for Homemade Paw Balm – more on this later!) so we decided to meet up at Conrose ParkContinue reading

Dartmouth Harbourwalk Dog-Friendly Halifax Harbour View

A Dartmouth Harbourwalk and My #1 Tip for Starting a Blog

I’m going to let you in on a secret. I was pretty nervous to start this blog. I wasn’t so much worried about people not liking it. I figure those who don’t like it won’t read it. I was mostly nervous about failing. I had no idea if I would enjoy blogging. And I knew if I didn’t enjoy it, I wouldn’t be able to stick with it. I was scared that I would lose interest, or energy, or ideas, and give up. Halifax Dogventures would be relegated to the same dusty shelf as countless other abandoned blogs.

So I set a goal: one blog post a week for 52 weeks.

So far, sticking with my goal has been easy. And so much fun. I think it’s because I have a subject I genuinely get excited about. Dogs + exploring = the best. Going on our weekly dogventures and sharing them with all of you has become a highlight of my week.

That brings me to my #1 tip for starting a blog…  Continue reading